Top 100 most reviewed games on Steam released before 2006.

In this ranking games are sorted by number of reviews only, with complete disregard for rating. Total reviews usually have a strong correlation with total sales, so this provides a relative insight into best sellers of the year.

Free games gain an unfair boost in these rankings since they have no barrier to entry.

Compare with top rated games before 2006.

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Movement, rank, title, date, platforms, tag and price


248,623 rated 97%
240,213 rated 98%
146,268 rated 97%
113,252 rated 97%
35,907 rated 74%
31,125 rated 94%
25,145 rated 95%
24,084 rated 96%
22,567 rated 92%
18,479 rated 92%
17,675 rated 95%
16,569 rated 94%
15,992 rated 69%
15,546 rated 92%
15,206 rated 94%
15,063 rated 88%
14,531 rated 89%
~ 29. Quake Jun 1996 FPS $9.99
14,203 rated 97%
14,084 rated 91%
14,045 rated 96%
13,726 rated 89%
12,502 rated 90%
10,565 rated 91%
10,322 rated 94%
9,994 rated 82%
9,991 rated 94%
9,886 rated 90%
9,504 rated 99%
9,046 rated 96%
8,677 rated 87%
7,054 rated 90%
6,806 rated 95%
6,780 rated 95%
6,726 rated 70%
6,345 rated 79%
6,190 rated 88%
5,965 rated 83%
5,354 rated 92%
4,225 rated 95%
4,141 rated 72%
~ 70. FATE May 2005 RPG $7.99
4,032 rated 95%
4,027 rated 85%
3,899 rated 82%
3,867 rated 93%
3,806 rated 92%
3,760 rated 95%
3,744 rated 76%
3,702 rated 96%
3,681 rated 93%
3,493 rated 88%
3,485 rated 93%
3,441 rated 96%
3,338 rated 88%
3,150 rated 83%
2,991 rated 87%
2,750 rated 86%
2,735 rated 87%
2,721 rated 89%

Risers today

  1. 39 logo 1 Far Cry®

Fallers today

  1. 40 logo 1 Worms Armageddon
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